Thursday, April 26, 2012

Signs and Wonders

So, there I was, on the merry path to the next whisky bar. I was at the crossroads, that juncture where one more drink can't possibly hurt, and it might just help. No way of knowing, without running experimentation.

I am my own test tube.

So, I'm turning the corner -- and there is a Woman in Black.

We know Newton's third law of motion (or at least can hum the tune): "The mutual forces of action and reaction between two bodies are equal, opposite and collinear." Yep. To every action there's an equal and opposite reaction. For example: a) the bill arrives; b) I leave.

It's long been my contention that somewhere, out in the vast expanse of the space/time continuum, someone had my share of decency, caring, perspective, and goodness. Well, maybe a whole troop of someones. (It's a hypothesis, people!) And there she was, as if from another dimension where goodness and reason hold sway. She was standing stalwart, steady and ready. She held one sign, stood above two others.

We chatted; it's humbling to know that such people are out there, as if ambassadors from another, more reasonable world.

I asked permission to take photos of herself and her signage (see, I am not "seeing weird shit." Nor am I "making crap up"). Like Johnny Cash, this Woman in Black is clad to signify an empathy with all the ills that can and are waiting to be addressed -- and those that are in the process of being redressed.

At the bar, I raised a toast to this lovely sentient being. In fact, she was so cool, one or three for her grand spirit were in order.

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