Sunday, April 15, 2012

Foxtails Brigade on the Plaza

Have you ever thought about how music is truly sustainable? It sustains the soul. Tunes are passed down, interpreted, and made new. Instruments and cases carry the stories of previous times. Artists and audiences mold their respective musical histories and repertoires of memories.
     Me neither!
     But listening to Foxtails Brigade, (from that other SF, San Francisco) make beautiful music (genre: Chamber Pop) in the shared space of the historic Santa Fe plaza, these notions came unbidden yet enjoyed (rather like a house guest).

     Note the the sawed-off wine bottle in the percussion player's set-up. Pre-tilted, it has been recycled for tapping.



  1. Insightful and eloquent!

    1. My Dearest Anonymous,

      Thank you for your kind feedback. Those were exactly the three most perfect worlds, in absolutely the right order -- you've lifted my spirits and delighted me with your generous perception (and if I may say -- I've always been intrigued by the modest and unsung "Anonymous" of the world).

