Friday, May 4, 2012

Portland When It Drizzles

It is drizzling in Portland as I write this. It has been drizzling for months. A faint rain, as constant and unending as the patience of a saint.

Stumptown is one of the epicenters of the eco-consciousness movement, and so, although water is not a scarce commodity, in an act of empathy and unity with the rationing of the world, I find myself aware of my water usage.

The facet is turned off when brushing teeth. Water running through the rusty pipes of the old dwelling I reside in is caught and used for watering plants. I believe in showering with a friend whenever possible. I drink my whisky neat, saving the thimbleful of water once drizzled into the heavy glass tumbler.

Am I a better person for it? Heck to the yes! While I can't admonish everyone to live to my strict guidelines, it would be against my principle/s (plural? h'mmmm) to advise against considering it.

Conservation is like a muscle. The more one uses it, the more one is aware of it, desires to employ it. Feels the lacuna, the lack, when it is not deployed.

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