Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Save the Wood!

All right. We have a problem here. This is going to be awkward to, ahem, bring up. 

Trust -- if ignoring the issue would make it go away, I would be the first to advocate avoidance. Honestly! We've tried that -- and it worked well for a good, long while -- but, its effectiveness is subsiding; it is time to work up another game plan.

How do we know, beyond all doubt, that it is necessary to re-visit our relationship and interactions with our natural (and unnatural) environments? 

Save the Wood!

Conventional thinking: It has not been proven that global warming exists. If there is global warming, it has yet been conclusively linked to environmental degradation. Were causality shown, it has yet been demonstrated to be catastrophic. So...we learned that polar bears balanced adrift melting ice floes. Sad, yes, but bears don't buy us beers after a long day’s labor. Horrific birth defect rates in China are perplexing, but that is the cost of a burgeoning economy. Toxins, perhaps, impacting the reproductive health of girls and women is still under investigation. Elevated rates of heart defects in babies born to poor women in pollution-heavy neighborhoods is unfortunate -- and so we suggested pregnant women…move. Toxic clouds covered whole cities; we hoped for a better breeze.

But, as of late, it has come to our attention that pollution, by stressing the body/heart/vascular systems, may be a culprit contributing to erectile dysfunction. If this doesn’t make your nuts crawl up like acorns well-hidden by an industrious squirrel during a frigid Fall, I don't know what will!

People, it is time to take action! To speak up, as if with one voice. It is imperative -- and this cannot be stressed highly enough -- to save The Wood

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