Sunday, March 11, 2012

How Are We Going to Keep Them Down on the Farm…?

After the hypothetical letter carrier, one of the first projects that we get fired up about is forming some sort of liaison between…a bunch of things that have initials, but aren’t our A.S.S., or our S.A.S.S.

We attempt to form a bridge between the I.S.S. (the Institute for Sustainable Solutions) and a student-run C.S.A. (Community Supported Agriculture).One circumstance is that there was staff change in the philanthropic organization. And a project from previous staff (at least in the publishing world that I am more familiar with) is like left-over tofu-surprise: No one chose it, and no one wants to be responsible for finishing it off.
But the farm, however worthy, has been turned down for a grant. We have no idea why. There is a “No” from the I.S.S., but it’s a soft no.
If you were a kid, it’s the kind of “No” you might push until you got what you wanted, or shouted at; or both.

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