Sunday, February 26, 2012

Playing Well With Others

One of the hallmarks of the seminar is that it is designed so that we work, interact, teach and critique one another. Some people play well with others… naturally. I had always assumed myself to be in this group. 
And yet, besides the synergy, passion, and ideas that charge the room with electricity, there are also conflicts, tensions, and disagreements in connection with our A.S.S.

Playing. Well... with Others
I think that I play well with others, but how was I to know for a certainty? I would need a second opinion. I turned to a friend, someone (to bastardize Mark Twain) who knew me well – and yet was willing to be seen drinking in public with me. After the second round, sufficiently lubricated, I popped the Big Question (there are many Big Questions!).

“Do you think I play well with others?”
“Like, um, manipulate 'em like game figures? Or order drinks from them? Well... I guess. But you   don't always lis
“Yeah!” I interrupted, “I play well with others!”
“But that wasn’t what I was –”
“Hey, isn’t it your turn,” I beckoned the bartender over with a practiced gesture,“to get this round?”


  1. What strikes me as "playing well with others" is giving into society and conforming. Something my generation fought against! Yet in today's society, in order to get along, one must be politically correct and not hurt anyones feelings. What about my feelings! My opinions! What happened to Free speech! Do I have to agree with everything that is going on in society in order to be considered one who "plays well with others?" Unfortunately, I do. I miss the 1960s. I watched a documentary today that said my generation has romanticized the 1960s...I don't think so...I think we were a generation that wanted to change the world, to exercise our freedom of speech, to burn our bras. I also heard someone say on the documentary that women today do not like to use the word "feminist," like it is a bad word! Does the world know how hard my generation of women fought for our rights? Okay, so I am wondering off the topic...but I think my point is: sometimes I get tired of playing well with others.
